The Soul's Journey: Continues

Hello! First I want to thank you for letting me be a part of your Soul's Journey. When I started to see all the pieces that make up a Soul Contract 15+ years ago, I never could have imaged that I would take something so spectacular and turn it into my career. It has been an incredible journey, full of beautiful soul's like yours, with a strong interest in your own personal journey and a hunger to know yourself on a deeper level that make it possible for me to not only help you learn more about yourself, but to allow me to support you and be your own personal cheerleader!

You have your A Soul's Journey: A Book All About You!, now what? Well, just like we see our Primary Care Physicians to do annual check up on our bodies, and we see our therapists to monitor our mental health, our The Soul's Journey: Continues allows me to help you focus more intensely on you, and create some custom shadow work exclusive to you! 

Want to know what these look like? Take a look below, as some of our client's allow us to showcase their The Soul's Journey: Continues

As always, I do ask that you be respectful of the souls that are reflected, and do not share to any social media, do not take pictures or screenshots, and above all else be kind. The space I hold for each client is sacred, each space is a place of healing, a place that is safe, and a place full of love; so as we enter this space I ask you to hold your mind, body, and soul in reverence. 

If you haven't scheduled your annual check up, what are you waiting for? Click the button, and let me email you your The Soul's Journey: Continues.  All The Soul's Journey: Continues are emailed, and once you have read through it, I am always available for questions. Each The Soul's Journey: Continues takes me about 1-2 weeks to get out, pending on my waitlist. 
